As a nationally-ranked Registered Investment Adviser, Pension Consultants Inc.’s goal is to offer plans that consistently outperform and deliver unparalleled value. Through TPSU online training programs, fiduciaries have the opportunity to learn how they can help prepare participants for a rewarding retirement.
Here are a few takeaways from our most recent TPSU event:
- Best practice is to benchmark every key driver of plan performance at least once a year.
- Net investment return is the important number, not investment cost.
- Plans should pay only for services that relate directly to the plan and its participants.
Help reduce uncertainty with a performance-driven model.
Choose a plan that allows employees in your organization to retire on time and with dignity. Investment performance, appropriate fees, and sufficient contributions are key factors of a high-performing plan. Every fiduciary deserves to be confident in the retirement plan they choose.