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Take Care of Your Employees – Even When They Are Gone

The recently launched Portability Services Network (PSN) is one potential solution. (link to PSN website) The PSN is a digital hub connecting retirement plan record keepers and plan sponsors aiming to reduce cash outs by introducing auto portability for employees leaving their job with a balance under $5,000.

Automatic Salary Deductions Position Employers to Help Employees Get on Track for Retirement

PCI Named on NAPA’s 2022 Top DC Advisor Multi-Office Firms List

Pension Consultants, Inc. is excited to be featured on NAPA’s 2022 ‘Top DC Multi-Office Advisor Teams’ ranking! Based on the asset sizes of those who submitted to be included on the list, we are very proud to be among the top 20 advisers in the nation and the largest DC

The Consequences of Early 401(k) Withdrawals

Unfortunately, this is a very common choice that individuals make when leaving their employers. Although younger people are more likely to cash out their balances, people of all ages make this detrimental mistake.

SECURE 2.0: Everything Retirement Plan Fiduciaries Need to Know

Congress just passed the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act of 2022. . There are many provisions in the new legislation relating to employer plans that fiduciaries should be aware of. Here are the key takeaways you should keep on your radar...

PCI Recently Featured in RPA Convergence, “RPA Plan Pricing Is in Dire Need of a Refresh”

NEW EVENTS ADDED! Chris Thixton, QPA, C(k)P® Leads Fiduciary Training with TPSU

The Strange Truth About Wine and Advice – Brian Allen, CFP® Latest in InvestmentNews RPA Convergence

Withdrawing 401(k) Funds After Retirement Is Not The Problem: Here’s What Is

NEW EVENTS ADDED! Chris Thixton, QPA, C(k)P® Leads Virtual Fiduciary Training with TPSU

Pension Consultants, Inc. Named on NAPA’s Top DC Advisors 2020 List

Is Your 401(k) Plan Adviser Costing Employees Retirement Money? – Brian Allen, CFP® in Advisors Magazine

5 Signs It’s Time to Break up with Your Financial Advisor – Founder and Chairman Contributes to

TV (ERISA) Classics

Pension Consultants, Inc. Tops $4 Billion Assets In Our Care

PCI Founder and Chairman, Brian Allen, CFP®, featured in The Street Retirement Daily with Robert Powell, CFP®

2021 Fiduciary Focus Conference Dates Rescheduled, New Dates Announced!