

2021 Fiduciary Focus Conference Dates Rescheduled, New Dates Announced!

Last Updated: January 12, 2021

After careful consideration and a comprehensive review of the situation relating to Covid-19, the Fiduciary Focus team has made the decision to reschedule the 2021 Fiduciary Focus Conference, sponsored by Pension Consultants, Inc. One of the most valuable takeaways from the conference is the ability to network and workshop with experts and other peer fiduciaries. Our goal is for the new dates to allow our attendees to have the full exciting conference experience, live and in person. 

The conference will now be held on August 19-20, 2021, changed from the original dates of May 20-21.
Be sure to mark your calendars and save the NEW dates.

Download the Save the NEW Date here.

Every year, Fiduciary Focus Conference is the premier educational experience for retirement plan fiduciary committees who seek to build Rewarding Retirement for their people. The conference focus is on engaged and compassionate plan fiduciaries who want to learn how to provide results for their participants. Fiduciary Focus Conference offers intermediate-level continuing education in a group-live setting. There are no prerequisites to attend, and no advance preparation needed.

Registration will open later in 2021. If you would like more information about the conference or the date change, please visit

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Pension Consultants, Inc.



Read The First Chapter

Learn what it takes to build a successful retirement plan so your employees can retire on time and with dignity. A must read for any fiduciary.

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A good plan measures
three key elements:
investments, and fees.


A good plan serves
employees and


Fiduciaries have a
responsibility to make
reasonable decisions
with their employees’
best interests in mind.

Ready to Evaluate Your Plan’s Performance?

How we can help


Speak with an adviser who can evaluate your plan in the three critical areas.


Understand how your current plan is performing.


Learn what you can do to improve your plan’s performance.