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Pension Consultants Named on Financial Advisor Magazine’s Annual RIA Ranking

Last Updated: August 20, 2019

Pension Consultants, Inc. (PCI), a leader in performance-driven retirement plan management, is excited to announce that the firm has been named in Financial Advisor (FA) Magazine’s 2019 RIA (Registered Investment Advisor) ranking for the second year!


PCI’s commitment to performance-driven plan management with transparent accountability allows us to provide confidence to fiduciary committees that the plan they manage is a Good one. When a fiduciary committee offers a Good Plan to their workforce, it is proven to dramatically improve their workforce’s financial security. We believe that the definition of a Good Plan is simple – A Good Plan is one that has three qualities:


  • The plan’s investment lineup performs well,
  • The fees paid by the plan are low, and
  • Employees are on track to retire.

PCI’s revolutionary approach to plan management aligns our interests with the fiduciary committee – to provide a Good Plan, by making our fees dependent on the performance we provide our client’s plans. Using objective performance standards – uncommon in the plan advisor industry- fiduciary committees never have to question if their plan is good, they’ll always know.


The list can be found on their website HERE. To view a copy of the official 2019 RIA Ranking, click HERE.

Financial Advisor Magazine

Financial Advisor, via the Investment Adviser Association, reports that RIAs managed more than $82.5 Trillion in assets in 2018*. The assets managed by RIAs like PCI represent the hard-earned retirement savings of American workers who rely on advisers to help secure and grow their savings in preparation for future retirement. These workers, and the companies that employ them, deserve to be served by an advisory firm that provides true outcome-driven value and keeps the participants’ best interest at the forefront of every decision.


Financial Advisor magazine is a top-ranked publication targeting professional financial advisers. Financial Advisor’s annual ranking article and list are based on an annual RIA Survey.


The list can be found on their website HERE. To view a copy of the official 2019 RIA Ranking, click HERE


PCI’s archived blog entries are dated, the rules and statutes referenced may have changed. The analysis or guidance within these blog entries may have become stale, dated, or no longer accurate. PCI will not update or change these entries to reflect the latest analysis or development.

Source: Rasmussen, Eric. “RIA Survey & Ranking 2019.” Press Release article. 18 July 2019.—ranking-2019-45701.html?section=133.

*(research survey for numbers)

Disclosure: To be considered for Financial Advisor’s Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) ranking, Pension Consultants, Inc. submitted a survey application form to Financial Advisors. The list includes registered investment advisory teams with a significant amount of assets under management (AUM), as of 12/31/2018. The complete list can be found here:  (ranking list)



Pension Consultants, Inc.



Read The First Chapter

Learn what it takes to build a successful retirement plan so your employees can retire on time and with dignity. A must read for any fiduciary.

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A good plan measures
three key elements:
investments, and fees.


A good plan serves
employees and


Fiduciaries have a
responsibility to make
reasonable decisions
with their employees’
best interests in mind.

Ready to Evaluate Your Plan’s Performance?

How we can help


Speak with an adviser who can evaluate your plan in the three critical areas.


Understand how your current plan is performing.


Learn what you can do to improve your plan’s performance.