We all know that the sooner you start saving for retirement, the better. Yet 36% of all adults have not started saving, and more than 25% of adults aged 50-64 aren’t saving
anything for retirement
1. America Saves Week began in 2007 as a way to bring attention to the importance of saving, and to give individuals a chance to assess their own saving status.
According to work done by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), Gen X employees have a retirement readiness score of 57.7%.
3 This means that in retirement, Gen Xers will be able to replace only 57.7% of the income that they earned in the years before retirement. Most experts agree that in order to maintain current lifestyle levels, workers will need to be able to replace between 70-85% of their income to maintain the same lifestyle they achieved before retirement.
4 The difference is startling! Yet, the numbers tell us that American workers are just not saving enough.
How do we solve that problem? How can we encourage employees to start saving enough for retirement
now even when retirement is 20, 30, or even 40 years away? Our answer: retirement plan performance.
At Pension Consultants, Inc. we believe in measuring the value of a retirement plan by assessing its performance. We also believe that offering employees a top-performing retirement plan – a plan that performs better than those offered by other companies in the same industry when it comes to readying employees for retirement – can offer a strong incentive to begin the savings process. There are three factors that we use to identify a top-performing plan: an outperforming investment line-up, low plan fees, and (most importantly for this discussion) employee retirement readiness.
your employees retirement ready? Do you have confidence that you’re providing them with a top-performing retirement plan? That confidence comes from objective performance measurement and monitoring, and we can help.
If you want to know how your plan is actually performing, contact us at
pensionconsultants@pension-consultants.com. We would be happy to unveil your plan’s performance using performance standards that go beyond the basic metrics of response time of call centers, website clicks, and number of flyers mailed out, and help you get your employees on the road to a successful retirement.
[1] https://www.creditdonkey.com/average-american-savings-statistics.html
[2] https://americasavesweek.org/about-america-saves-week/
[3] http://www.napa-net.org/news/plan-optimization/dc-plan-design/match-matters-employers/?mqsc=E3933267&utm_source=WhatCountsEmail&utm_medium=NAPA_Net_ListNapa-Net%20Daily&utm_campaign=2018-01-30_eNewsNAPA_Tue
[4] https://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-16-242?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery